How To Deal With Low Blood Pressure
Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure
Drink as much water as possible. Dehydration minimizes the blood volume which causes the drop in pressure. Drink one glass of water per hour; this would help to keep your body hydrated.
Flex your knees to bring the pressure back to normal.
And when exercising, warm-ups are as important as cool down exercises. Your blood pressure would lower if you stop in the middle of an exercise routine, so avoid doing that.
Alcohol intake wouldn't help you one bit. You should drink healthy juices to keep yourself healthy.
Salt is beneficial for low blood pressure. Salt intake may be increased, but know that this varies per person.
While sleeping keep your head elevated as this may help to adapt to an upright position.
Do stretching exercises and take care of your health. You can do exercises like squeezing your fists and pumping your stomach.
Eating a large meal causes the blood to rush to the digestive system, which leaves insufficient supply for the other organs. Emphasis on smaller meals, as this would help to provide proper flow of blood in the entire body.
Walking after meals is ideal. This can help bring the blood pressure back to normal.
Ginseng is a Chinese root, even though its benefits are still unclear, it has been said that it helps in improving low blood pressure.
Take 10 small raisins and soak them overnight in water. Chew every raisin 30 times before you swallow it. Continue doing this for a month.
Soak 5 pieces of almond in water and keep it overnight. Grind them to make a smooth paste and mix it in glass of milk. Boil the almond and milk paste. Drink it while it's warm.
Readers should know that they should exercise precautionary measures when following the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. Realize that it is the reader's responsibility and not the writer's nor the site's.
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