Thursday, September 26, 2013

How To Deal With Low Blood Pressure

By Bill Heath

Low blood pressure happens when there is too little blood flow to the brain and other vital organs. Some common causes of low blood pressure are dehydration, heavy meal, severe infection, heart attack, heart failure or pregnancy. You will notice some common sign and symptoms like dizziness, lack of concentration, nausea, blurred vision and many more.

Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure

Drink as much water as possible. Dehydration minimizes the blood volume which causes the drop in pressure. Drink one glass of water per hour; this would help to keep your body hydrated.

Flex your knees to bring the pressure back to normal.

And when exercising, warm-ups are as important as cool down exercises. Your blood pressure would lower if you stop in the middle of an exercise routine, so avoid doing that.

Alcohol intake wouldn't help you one bit. You should drink healthy juices to keep yourself healthy.

Salt is beneficial for low blood pressure. Salt intake may be increased, but know that this varies per person.

While sleeping keep your head elevated as this may help to adapt to an upright position.

Do stretching exercises and take care of your health. You can do exercises like squeezing your fists and pumping your stomach.

Eating a large meal causes the blood to rush to the digestive system, which leaves insufficient supply for the other organs. Emphasis on smaller meals, as this would help to provide proper flow of blood in the entire body.

Walking after meals is ideal. This can help bring the blood pressure back to normal.

Ginseng is a Chinese root, even though its benefits are still unclear, it has been said that it helps in improving low blood pressure.

Take 10 small raisins and soak them overnight in water. Chew every raisin 30 times before you swallow it. Continue doing this for a month.

Soak 5 pieces of almond in water and keep it overnight. Grind them to make a smooth paste and mix it in glass of milk. Boil the almond and milk paste. Drink it while it's warm.

Readers should know that they should exercise precautionary measures when following the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. Realize that it is the reader's responsibility and not the writer's nor the site's.

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Are You Concerned About High Blood Pressure

By David Brown

A high blood pressure level is a common health problem and it is very likely that you are at risk to have it. There are all sorts of daily habits which you may not even know about yet that can cause your blood pressure to increase. Being overweight is one of the top reasons why folks get blood pressure that is elevated. You should check your blood pressure often and if it ever goes over 120/80, you should start taking steps to get it back in check.

Starting an exercise routine and eating healthier food are a few good changes to make. You could reduce your blood pressure just by shedding ten pounds. You don't even have to have an awful diet, if you are typically not physically active you'll still gain pounds and raise your blood pressure. You should have some type of physical activity in your daily life--particularly if your blood pressure starts to creep upwards. Just 30 minutes of physical activity every day can help your body and greatly reduce your blood pressure.

If you're at all worried about being healthy, you need to be taking in healthy foods. When you are unhealthy and suffer from hypertension, it is typically directly due to the food that you've been eating. To reduce your BP, you need to add more vegetables and fruits to your diet, together with eating less salt or sodium. One other way to be at risk for hypertension, is to use tobacco products, so it is advisable for you to stop as soon as you can. When people start smoking, most of them probably never even consider that it could lead to high blood pressure, or even check it often to see how it is doing. The bad news is that high blood pressure can be due to all sorts of poor lifestyle choices.

One of the biggest contributors to high blood pressure that you should consider is your stress level. Every person has pressures that they have to deal with and these pressures generally cause stress, which everybody deals with in a different way. Some drink, smoke, eat way too much or any number of things to counteract the stress that's been affecting them. It might do some good on a short-term basis, but long-term, it is high blood pressure, and what it leads to, waiting to happen. When you're younger, you might think that you can do anything you wish and it won't affect your health but the truth is that ultimately you will look back and wish that you had done things a little differently. When ailments hit you that are directly associated with the high blood pressure you got from your lifestyle choices, you're going to regret them.

Consider the folks your life who are older and compare the health they have now with the life they have lived. Find the ones you would like to end up like, and see what type of things they did. Find people who are not on blood pressure drugs to keep their BP normal.

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Blood Pressure

By Mike Jackson

High blood pressure can be a major medical issue for some people, but for others a change in lifestyle may be all that is needed to bring it under control.Many times, the nurse or doctor comes in to put a blood pressure cuff around the arm. The nurse or doctor then presses a contraption that inflates the cuff before looking at some kind of a dial.

Untreated high blood pressure, regardless of how high it is, can cause additional problems and cannot be ignored.If there is some kind of a problem, the medical professional might just look concerned or they might discuss the problem with the patient.

Many times how to lower blood pressure involves curing the main medical problem. If there is a problem, the doctor might prescribe a medicine and recommend exercise, but many people do not know what the doctor is talking about. If the doctor told them they had a broken leg, they would recognize the problem. If they have a brain tumor, they can visualize what this might look like in their cranial cavity. The people with high blood pressure who get a bad reading when the doctor inflates that cuff often take the medications prescribed by the doctor.

Blood pressure is measured in two different numbers when the nurse or doctor puts that cuff on the arm. One measure is called systolic and the other is called diastolic. If these numbers get too high or too low, the medical expert who reads the meter will realize that there is a problem. There are then medications that people can take to get the numbers right. Doctors might also recommend more sleep, a better diet and exercise. Most people are able to control their blood pressure with the help of a vigilant doctor.

Another problem that can be caused by persistent high blood pressure is an arterial aneurysm, which if unnoticed and breaches the artery, can result in death.Some doctors will ask their patients to monitor their pressure on a regular basis with a home machine. This information will give the doctor insight into the severity of the condition. There are several medications that medical professionals have developed through medical research studies. These studies have identified the problems, possible causes and remedies. All of the people affected by this condition should work carefully with their doctor to make sure that they are taking all measures to correct the condition.

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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

High blood pressure and Lowering it Naturally

By John Thompson

What's Hypertension? Well according to the Medical Profession High blood pressure or High blood Pressure is generally accepted to be a blood pressure reading of anything over 140/90. The higher number would be the quantity of pressure exerted against the arterial walls as your heart contracts and the smaller number would be the amount of pressure against the arterial wall when the heart relaxes.

According to the American heart Organisation about 74.5 million people in the United States have high blood pressure. From 1996 to 2006 the rate of mortality from raised blood pressure increased 19.5% and the number of deaths rose 48.1%. According to the British heart foundation 35% of those individuals who have raised blood pressure in the US are unaware of this condition. Since many of us are unaware of having hypertension it's been called the "Silent Killer" and it's very important that we take it seriously.

Sadly the reason for high blood pressure isn't known. There are families who have a history of elevated blood pressure and many times they suffer from this illness. People who've high stress lifestyles expose themselves to the forces of hypertension. Folks who experience excessive worry, fear and the pressures from everyday life can also have raised blood pressure.

There are other lifestyle factors that are also connected with high blood pressure. Being obese is linked with raised blood pressure as well as an absence of exercise. Having a bad diet and the use of certain medicines can cause raised blood pressure as well as smoking and unwarranted alcohol consumption. Since high blood pressure can stay unseen the only way an individual can figure out if they have raised blood pressure is by having their blood pressure checked. Some warning signs of raised blood pressure however can include nosebleeds, a unsteady heartbeat, headaches and woozy spells. As we grow older the danger factor for developing raised blood pressure naturally increases.

What are we able to do to lower blood pressure? If you could lower your blood pressure naturally without any negative complications does it not make since this would be the best solution. You have likely known people who were on many drugs, some of which need to be taken to combat the effects of the other drug. If your health care pro tells you that there are no healthy possibilities, empathise that he has a very busy lifestyle and has probably not taken the time to do the research to find another answer. I was reading information from a medical consultant who said there's no proof that Arginine can lower blood pressure; however PubMed is full of articles that show quite the reverse. Remember it is your body and you'll eventually pay the price for whatever information you take with respect to your well-being. Here's to hoping your blood pressure is always healthy! Cardio Cocktail is one product that utilises Arginine and other supplements to support the heart system. We have seen many benefits from this product.

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Common Symptoms of High Blood Pressure That Everyone Should Be Aware Of

By Vania Kraft

High blood pressure can have a variety of symptoms or none at all, however the only way to verify this dangerous condition is to have it checked. There are certain factors that make it more likely for you to develop high blood pressure and there are many symptoms that can help you to diagnose that you have it. If you notice any of the symptoms of high blood pressure we'll be looking at in this article, you should consult your doctor for advice to determine if you have hypertension.

Unfortunately experts can't agree what high blood pressure is. Numbers that represent systolic pressure and diastolic pressure are measured to come up with blood pressure. While there is some disagreement about what lower numbers mean, it is a common assumption that hypertension occurs if your blood pressure is 140/90 or higher. Your blood pressure would be considered normal if you for instance had a reading of 130/85. However, experts now call this prehypertension and state that blood pressure is only healthy below 120/80. Your doctor may have his or her own opinion, but in general if your blood pressure is anywhere above the 120/80 level you should be monitoring it and being careful about your diet and exercising more.

If you have a stressful life and are easily made angry or frustrated, you may be at risk for high blood pressure even if you have no other obvious symptoms. It has been found that people who fit the Type A personality profile are more likely than average to have high blood pressure, as well as heart disease. With this information one can consider that stress is an early sign of high blood pressure. It is possible to control your stress and to learn to relax, even if your job or lifestyle are stressful. This can be a way to prevent your blood pressure from going up.

Heart attack or a variety of heart related ailments are the most serious problems that high blood pressure can lead to. Immediate medical attention is required if you have shortness of breath or chest pains which are both symptoms of heart problems.

When you suffer from high blood pressure there may be apparent symptoms, especially if your condition has gotten to a super high level. You are in a much better position to control your blood pressure, however, when you find out about it before it becomes a life threatening problem. If you start to notice any of the signs or symptoms of high blood pressure that are talked about in this article, your doctor will help you figure out how to properly treat the condition. The most important thing is to take this condition seriously and make sure you make any necessary changes in your lifestyle.

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For People Who Have High Blood Pressure You Will See That Alcohol Is Not The Ideal Choice

By Linda Parker

High blood pressure is something which affects millions of men and women around the earth and alcohol can have a negative effect on this issue. Men and women who drink massive amounts of alcohol often show signs of having higher blood pressure than folks that drink less. And for those people who drink often, their high blood pressure can get hazardously high.

Females can't consume more than one alcoholic beverage each day mainly simply because their tolerance isn't that of what men have. Many people do not follow these guidelines and for this reason their blood pressure ends up getting incredibly high.

Many medical doctors who have patients who consume too much alcohol, typically need to monitor these people's blood pressure for health reasons. Men and women who are overweight in addition have problems with high blood pressure and the extra calories from the alcohol can add to this concern. If the blood pressure is elevated because of weight problems, then further medication may need to be recommended to control the hypertension. This can be difficult to provide because of the alcohol in the individuals body can have a harmful impact from the medication being given to them.

It only makes sense that if you lower or perhaps eliminate your alcohol consumption your high blood pressure will be positively affected. If men and women who have high blood pressure can't keep away from alcohol entirely, they should keep their drinking down to a bare minimum. Individuals with a drinking problem are prone to increased blood pressure and on top of that, one of the issues of trying to correct the blood pressure with medicine is the effect alcohol has with the prescription. It can enhance its potency thereby producing further medical problems and that is never a good thing.

If you happen to be one of the people who suffer from high blood pressure and also have a problem with alcohol it would be smart to seek help for your alcohol addiction. Many doctors will tell you that you are not allowed to drink any kind of alcohol when you are taking your medications, and this is in fact something which they tell you for your own good. If you happen to be a drinker and do not follow the advice of your doctor you're going to discover that your health problems can wind up getting much worse. Ultimately, if you are a drinker who in addition has high blood pressure, you need to quit drinking, and when you need assistance you need to understand that there's help available, you just have to request it.

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How To Go On The Best Diet For High Blood Pressure

By Lynne Keller

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, results when your doctor measures your blood pressure at 140/90 and above. While prevalent in adults, high blood pressure can also occur in children. It is very important to get proper treatment to control your high blood pressure. Keeping your blood pressure under control is a three-pronged process - exercise is required, of course, as is the right medication, and the third element required would be the best diet for high blood pressure possible.

By following the right diet for high blood pressure, you can reduce your chances of blocked arteries, cancer, high cholesterol levels and obesity. When discussing the best diet for high blood pressure patients, there are certain foods that are absolutely off-limits with no middle ground, such as sweets, foods with sugar or trans-fat and red meat - and if at all possible, should be vegetarian. Surveys show that high potassium and low sodium content in fruits and vegetables help in regulating the blood pressure level.

By reducing your intake of salt or sodium, you are basically providing yourself with a good diet for high blood pressure. Many people might think salt-less food might be flavorless. Instead of relying on salt for flavor, you might want to use spices instead in your diet for high blood pressure.

There are certain tips for your diet for high blood pressure that you can follow such as, rinse canned food in order to rinse off sodium. Instead, buy frozen salt free vegetables, which don't contain much salt or sodium and restrict your intake of cured meat, ham bacon, pickles, olives, mustard, ketchup, and Soy sauce in your diet for high blood pressure.

It is obvious that diet affects blood pressure level. Therefore, it is very important that you maintain a proper, healthy, and balanced diet for high blood pressure.

There are many things that have to be avoided in a diet for high blood pressure but none are more important than salt. Intake of salt for hypertension patients can be harmful as it just accentuates the problem. One good way to lower your blood pressure would be to make sure that your diet for high blood pressure is as low in salt as possible. This entails limiting your salt intake to no more than six grams a day. You must cut down on pizza, frozen diners, canned food, broths, canned soups and salad dressings since these have high sodium content in them. In a perfect world, totally eliminating meat would be the answer, but since we do need protein and going purely meatless can be quite difficult, you should only stick to lean meats (including poultry) and fish.

There are no ifs and buts about this, but junk food is something you must absolutely avoid in your low-salt diet. If there is a mineral imbalance in your diet then it might have an adverse effect on your health condition. There is really no substitute to making sure your diet remains healthy. In just two weeks you could enjoy a lower blood pressure, so be sure you put in a concerted effort to eat right.

If you are suffering from high blood pressure you should consult your primary care physician for advice prior to making any changes to your diet.

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